Are you contemplating buying a home this year? Taking such a significant leap forward is a crucial milestone. Life-changing events such as marriage, divorce, job opportunities, or just the desire for a better lifestyle often spur this decision. We’re aware that today’s economic climate and inflation worries may have you evaluating your living situation. Even… Read More »How life events can change your housing needs.

–Jeffrey Levine, CPA/PFS, CFP® IRA or 401(k)? Know the key differences between these two popular retirement plans to ensure you are saving in the right account. Indvidual retirement accounts (IRAs) and 401(k)s share a lot of similarities. They are both retirement plans. They both can help you lower your tax bill today, provide tax-deferred growth,… Read More »TEG Retirement & Advisory Services- 5 Things You Can Do With an IRA That You Can’t With a 401(k)