If you’re in the market for a new set of wheels, you’ll likely need to get an auto loan. This loan will significantly impact your monthly budget for at least a few years, so it’s important to make an informed decision when it comes to choosing your auto loan. Here’s how to select an auto… Read More »How To Set Yourself Up For Auto Loan Success

Personal loans can be a game-changer in your spring plans. Whether you have a project in mind or want to consolidate your high-interest credit card bills into one lower, fixed-rate payment, it’s a great time to lock in your rate, and start saving today! How Personal Loans Can Clean Up Your Finances As the flowers… Read More »Spring Clean Your Finances

During the holiday season, you’re likely making a list and checking it twice. But between gifts, travel, and festive celebrations, it’s easy to lose sight of holiday spending and your financial goals. This year, why not add “consolidate my debts” to your wish list? The holidays may seem strange to focus on debt but hear… Read More »Why the Holidays are a Good Time to Consolidate Your Debts

Zelle® is a fast, safe, and easy way to send and receive money with people you trust, like your babysitter, coworkers, fellow PTA mom, or your son’s soccer coach. Whether you just enrolled with Zelle® or have been an active user for a while, there are a few tips you should always keep in mind… Read More »How to Use Zelle to Safely Send Money

Fast. Secure. Convenient. Always Available. Your bank statement is a vital tool for keeping track of your withdrawals and deposits, but more importantly, it also helps you become aware of suspicious activity and possible fraud. Fast – Avoid USPS postal shortcomings, delays, and lost or stolen mail. If you have a problem with your account,… Read More »TEGFCU eStatements

There comes a time when everyone needs to start prioritizing their credit score. Whether you’re applying for a credit card or a loan, your credit score impacts your ability to access these products. There are five major factors to consider, often referred to as the 5 C’s of credit, when you’re improving your credit score.… Read More »5 C’s of Credit: Capacity

If you’re in a situation where you need some extra cash to pay for expenses a personal loan could be the right solution. Click to learn how personal loans work.

If you need to borrow money to make a major purchase, should you apply for a credit card? Or is a personal loan the better option? If you ask a credit union rep, they’ll say the answer depends on several factors, including interest rates, the amount of your required monthly payments, terms of repayment, and… Read More »Personal Loans vs. Credit Cards

Personal loans are an extremely versatile financial tool. However, many borrowers aren’t sure how much personal loan they can get. Every financial situation is unique. Plus, many factors go into how much you can borrow. Understanding some quick and easy basics will give you an idea of how much you can borrow. To get you… Read More »How Much You Can Borrow With A Personal Loan: Guide + Calculator