If someone would have approached us a year ago and told us that, in 2020, the country would essentially shut down for three months; the busiest thoroughfares in cities across the world would be empty of traffic; schools and colleges would close for an entire semester and blockbuster releases would be put on hold indefinitely,… Read More »Life Lessons Learned During the COVID-19 Pandemic

If you’re looking at astronomical medical bills thanks to the coronavirus pandemic or another health emergency, you might think there’s no choice but to pay thousands of dollars for your treatment. Lucky for you, though, there is hope. Here’s some advice on how to bring down the numbers on your medical bills and tips on… Read More »How to Pay for Large Medical Bills

“Grandma, I need your help, please send money.” “Grandpa, I am in the hospital and need you to wire me money.” It is no surprise that when receiving a call from whom you believe to be your panicked grandchild, your stomach drops and you head for your wallet. Scammers are notorious for capitalizing on fear,… Read More »Grandparent Scams