Personal loans are an extremely versatile financial tool. However, many borrowers aren’t sure how much personal loan they can get. Every financial situation is unique. Plus, many factors go into how much you can borrow. Understanding some quick and easy basics will give you an idea of how much you can borrow. To get you… Read More »How Much You Can Borrow With A Personal Loan: Guide + Calculator

What is a “want?” And what is a “need?” While everyone has their own wants and needs, being able to differentiate between the two can be difficult. Being able to clearly define each can help you improve your savings, which can help you build up an emergency fund, pay off debt, or fund long-term savings… Read More »Wants vs. Needs

Fixed expenses, variable expenses, and irregular expenses are the three categories that make up your budget, and are vitally important when learning to manage your money properly. When you’ve committed to following a budget, you must know how to put your plan into action. Here we outline the three types of expenses you will… Read More »Types of Expenses

As you prepare to pack up holiday decorations and say goodbye to an unprecedented year, don’t close the book on this year just yet. Set yourself up for success by reviewing your finances before January 1. Grab your favorite mug, fill it with hot chocolate, snuggle up by the fireplace, and review this end-of-year financial… Read More »Financial Checklist

TEG Federal Credit Union will award three $1,000.00 scholarships to graduating high school seniors who have demonstrated academic achievement and community service throughout their high school careers. From time to time TEG may, at its own discretion, add a fourth $1,000 scholarship to be awarded to a student who has demonstrated a commitment to personal… Read More »TEG 2022 Scholarship

It’s never too early to learn how to handle your money. Imagine if your child were suddenly about to move out but never learned how to manage an income. The things kids need to now about finances are not that different than what adults need to know. However, it’s always better to think ahead and… Read More »Four Finance Topics Every Kid Should Know

Our 51st Annual Meeting was held on Thursday, August 27, 2020. You can view the live recording of our Annual Report and the Chairman of the Board’s Message in the video below! You can view a copy of the 2019 Annual Report here. TEG Federal Credit Union’s Annual meeting 2020 from TEG FCU on Vimeo.

Q: I love the convenience of payment apps, like Cash App and Venmo, but I’ve heard there’s been an increase in scams being pulled off within these apps. How can I continue to use my payment apps without compromising my safety? A: Payment apps offer users the ability to effortlessly send payments to friends, making… Read More »How Can I Protect Myself from Payment App Scams

Q: I’d love to improve my credit score, but I can’t get ahead of my monthly payments. I also find that my spending gets out of control when I’m paying with plastic. How do I use my credit cards responsibly? A: Using your credit cards responsibly is a great way to boost your credit score… Read More »Your Guide to Using Credit Cards